Resources on the Web
On this page you will find links to online resources that we have come to value on the web.
The Fry Word List is a list of the most frequently used words in all written material: 300 words encompassing 65% of ALL written material. Yeah, it’s important.
Lined paper helps kids learn to write legibly. Everyone needs good practice writing!
Math Worksheet Generator is funtastic!
Parent & Family Support Links
LA FEAT (Los Angeles Families for Effective Autism Treatment ) "is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization for parents and families of children with autism."
TACA (Talk About Curing Autism) "provides information, resources, and support to families affected by autism."
Spectrum of Hope Foundation is a nonprofit, §501(c)(3) tax-exempt private foundation created to help families with young children affected by autism spectrum disorder ("ASD").
HEARTS Connection of Kern County provide families with parent to parent support, advocacy, training and assistance, resource coordination and information.
(JSPACC) helps "the parents and families of children with special needs in the Japanese-speaking community"
Autism Source "is the Autism Society of America's on-line referral database of autism related services and supports."
Special Education Law & Advocacy Links
CASE (Community Alliance for Special Education) "has available for sale and use our Special Education Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. The Handbook, co-written with Protection and Advocacy, Inc., is one of the most complete and useful resources on the special education process available today."
Wrightslaw provides "accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities."
Educate. Advocate. lists as one of it's missions, "To assist and support any parent and caregivers with any concerns for their child with special needs in the area surrounding San Bernardino and Riverside county in California.
IDEA (The US Department of Education's Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) website. IDEA "is a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation."
Research & Evidence-Based Practices Websites
NAC (National Autism Center) "is a new nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting effective, evidence-based treatment approaches, and to providing direction to families, practitioners, organizations, policy-makers, and funders."
ASAT (Association for Science in Autism Treatment) seeks to "to share accurate, scientifically sound information about autism and treatments for autism."
Autism SIG (Autism Special Interest Group) "brings together those individuals who specialize in or have an interest in the application of behavior analysis to the education and treatment of autism across the lifespan."